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TEDxPorto 2023 – Bridges

Por Inês Santos, Senior Business Consultant
Data: 20-04-2023

TEDxPorto is an annual event that aims to disseminate ideas and knowledge through inspiring and motivational talks. In an increasingly polarized society, dialogue is fundamental for us to understand the diversity of ideas and people. It is necessary to break down preconceived walls and build bridges that bring us together, making societies more open, fair, and sophisticated. Thus, TEDxPorto’s 12th edition, which took place on March 4th at Alfândega do Porto, had the theme of BRIDGES!

The event was organized in 4 panels - Build, Redesign, Create and Involve - composed by invited entrepreneurs, neuroscientists and even composers. Innovation was debated in the Build and Redesign panels, talking not only about physical bridges, but also about topics such as Microbiomes, Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience!

Researcher Pedro Saleiro exposed the problem of ethics in Artificial Intelligence, since algorithms reflect our behaviors, patterns, and past decisions, inheriting an ethic that is often discriminatory. Neuroscientist Greg Gage showed how in the future we can build connections between our nervous system and machines, capturing the electrical impulses from our brain and transferring them to machines/prostheses that interpret them and bring them to life.

Among the various ideas shared at the event, I leave you with my favorites:

"There is a very thin line that separates an innovator from an idiot. A lack of common sense is essential to be able to innovate, and to apply innovation you need a lot of common sense."

Pedro Pacheco, Professor of Bridge Engineering

"The automation of discrimination is a real risk. There is so much data about our behavior that it is possible to discriminate indirectly. Artificial Intelligence has the risk of learning our bad habits and perpetuating them through repetition."

Pedro Saleiro, Artificial Intelligence Researcher

"We, human beings, have a quality that is totally differentiating from all other beings in nature - the capacity for abstraction."

Henrique Gouveia e Melo, Admiral Chief of Staff of the Navy

In this way, important issues, ideas, and perspectives that influence our society were addressed, highlighting the importance of critical thinking and conscious attitude in creating a better future for all!

Inês Santos, Senior Business Consultant