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The employee, mental health and schedules

Por Tlantic
Data: 10-10-2022

There has never been so much talk about mental health as in recent years.

The relationship between productivity and the human side of the business is unmistakable. And the importance of employee mental health is a primary concern in business.

Today we leave you with some tips to keep in mind in the management of your human resources to collaborate with the health, mental and physical, of your employees:

Effective and transparent communication

Maintaining effective and transparent communication with employees is not always easy. Therefore, regular communication between colleagues, employees and managers is essential to maintain the balance of relationships so that everyone feels good on a daily basis in the work environment. Talking, asking how they are, taking an interest in their professional lives and beyond are great ways to break the ice and show that you care.

Organized workspace and tasks

No retalho, nas lojas, o espaço de trabalho é o ambiente onde o colaborador passa a maior parte do seu dia. É fundamental o colaborador conhecer as suas tarefas para o dia e ter os processos organizados de forma a conseguir organizar-se com calma e conseguir ser mais produtivo.

Ferramentas de gestão de tarefas são uma ótima forma de comunicar as necessidades ao colaborador e ajudá-lo a mentar os seus “To dos” em dia. Já conhece a funcionalidade de Checklist do Tlantic Mobile Retail para gestão de loja? A funcionalidade que organiza as tarefas de loja do colaborador, de forma a garantir a eficiência e o cumprimento de todas as necessidades de loja, no horário a que lhes é destinado. 

Solid and interactive routine

Do you know the Kaizen method of daily and morning meetings?

The organization brings peace of mind and is essential for the employee to be able to stay focused and carry out their tasks until the end, without affecting their stress level or personal life.

Organizing daily meetings early in the morning promotes communication between the employee, colleagues and management and allows them to start the day in the best way, in synergy. It is an effective way to establish schedules, organize breaks and establish tasks and a routine for the team.

Encourage work life balance

It is very important to encourage the employee to leave work after the end of the day and to give value to his personal life. Encouraging activities outside of work such as yoga, meditation, painting, sports, among others, is a great way to foster positive energy in the people you work with.

It is also essential to comply with the requirements of current legislation, respecting the cycle of time off and breaks and lunch times for employees.

Get to know Tlantic Workforce Management, help employees organize their workdays and respond to the needs of their day-to-day work only at the time they are intended, in a healthy way. Allocate the right person, in the right place, at the right time and always focus on the most important thing, YOUR EMPLOYEE.